"So that one may walk in peace." - Imi Lichtenfeld
Registration Forms
It may be necessary to clear your browser’s cookies and cache, and refresh your browser. Payment for registration does not require a PayPal account, but will go through a PayPal page (select “checkout with credit / debit card” options, and / or “pay as a guest”). NOTE: PayPal security may randomly require non-PayPal account holders to set up a PayPal account.
6 WEEK SESSION, Tuesday evenings, JANUARY 14 – FEBRUARY 18. Adults only.
2 Classes: Level 1 (NEW KMSD students), and Level 2 + Level 3 (CONTINUING KMSD students)
Registration Forms, when activated, can be accessed by CLICKING ON the pictures below.
DROP-IN REGISTRATION is available for students with prior Krav Maga experience to train for the day during a regular multi-week session; see the Contact page to request a registration form.
There are NO REFUNDS. A credit for payment received, or a KMSD Gift Certificate, may be issued ONE TIME at KMSD’s discretion for use at the NEXT applicable KMSD training event. If a credit is issued, it is NOT perpetually valid.